



Higher Education, Local development, Emerging technologies


Higher education institutions have traditionally been recognized as pillars for the economic, social and cultural development of their local and regional communities. However, in an environment characterized by rapid technological advances, it is imperative to understand the impact of the integration of emerging technologies in higher education on local development. These institutions play a fundamental role in generating knowledge, training qualified human resources and promoting innovation in their environments. However, the effective adoption of emerging technologies such as online learning, artificial intelligence and augmented reality presents significant challenges and opportunities for both higher education institutions and local development. The purpose of this study lies in exploring the impact of emerging technologies in higher education and its relationship with local development. Through this research, we seek to examine how the integration of such technologies can improve the accessibility, quality and efficiency of higher education in general. The main findings reveal that higher education institutions play a crucial role in generating knowledge, training qualified human resources and promoting innovation in their communities. However, the effective integration of emerging technologies, such as online learning, artificial intelligence and augmented reality, poses significant challenges and opportunities for higher education institutions and local development.

Keywords: Higher Education, Local development, Emerging technologies.


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How to Cite

Lucas-Villegas, A. P., Mera-Macías, F. F., & Franco-Menéndez, J. A. (2024). HIGHER EDUCATION AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA MULTIDISCIPLINARIA ARBITRADA YACHASUN - ISSN: 2697-3456, 8(14), 110–116. https://doi.org/10.46296/yc.v8i14.0406